Making Dream-Walk* for the Wirksworth Festival in Derbyshire (Sunday 18th September 2011) and reflecting on those past walks in Singapore, Nottingham and Bristol.
Originally conceived to be experienced as part of the (morning) commute the Dream-Work walks (with Wirksworth now 4 in total) ask the audience-spectators to share the same time within (the sometimes very) public –space (amongst the host of others) and simultaneously occupy a distinctly different time/temporality from those other-others who pass us by, whose purpose in this time is very different. (We recognize each passer by has their own time and tempo).
We invite the auditor-spectators to both move with us, often to follow in our footsteps and against the dominant flow of the commute (for the first 3 versions we deliberately choreographed the walks in the morning rush hour against the dominant flow), stepping across, aside, to step outside from it AND to dwell with us (performers/directors/makers), to come alongside, to be-come still (–er).
To stop.
To look, to listen, to smell, to taste and to take stock.
To dwell and to be still-er.
*Video footage was gathered from 6 different performances over Saturday & Sunday 17th & 18th and shown at the University of Northampton’s Annual Postgraduate Conference on the 21st & 22nd of September with my accompanying audio commentary.
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